The Perfect Motion

From 1906 to the present day, from Auguste Rodin’s sketches to the creation of a new show for a French tour, from the hours of glory to the darkest days, Cambodia’s Royal Ballet has survived and maintained its demanding gestures.

Enfants Valises

In France, the school system has to accept all children under 16, be they French or foreign, legal residents or not. For many migrant teenagers, shunted from one continent to another, it represents a hope for stabilization and integration.

With One Voice (D’une seule voix)

Israéliens et Palestiniens, juifs, chrétiens et musulmans, ils sont avant tout musiciens. Partant du constat qu’il est maintenant impossible pour eux de se rencontrer en Israël ou dans les Territoires Palestiniens, le français Jean-Yves Labat de Rossi va les chercher chez eux, de part et d’autre du mur, pour les inviter à une tournée surprenante qui les réunira en France pendant trois semaines.

Little Gems (Les Pépites)

Today, they are 25 years old and are completing their studies or starting to work. When they were children, they all had to rummage to survive in Phnom-Penh’s garbage dump in Cambodia.